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Sphere Mastering


Our database of questions/answers to Sphere Mastering

Below you will find a list of categories and for each a set of questions and answers regarding our standards, our formats and everything needed to submit and manage your mastering projects.

Our Categories


Question/answer categories.

Click on one of the categories below to display the questions/answers:

Category - Payment

  • How do I pay for my mastering project?
    We currently only accept online payment and you will be charged the price as presented on the Eros website. If you are making an international payment, make sure your bank has authorized it for an international payment and that you have added your full contact details. If you have any problems, please contact us

  • s VAT included in your prices?
    No. Where applicable, VAT will be added to the price of your work and displayed next to your order on the checkout page just before payment. Your invoice will take the same elements into account.

  • I encounter a problem during my online payment, what should I do?
    Log back into your account and click on the "Payment" button displayed under your project name. Please note that we currently only accept online payments.

    If the payment fails again, you may need to ask your bank if there are any issues currently blocking your transactions. Please note that transactions are in EUR and if you reside outside of France, your bank may have blocked the transaction for security reasons. Please note, once blocked, your card can no longer be used on our payment system, you will have to use another card.

  • Can I have an invoice including VAT?
    Depending on your status and the ability to provide us with an intra-community VAT number, we take into account VAT or not in our invoicing.

  • Where can I get my invoice?
    Once paid, our service issues the invoice corresponding to your project which you find in the Invoice column in the list of your projects in the form of a PDF logo.